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Ansell® AlphaTec® 3000 AVANT AIRline Model 755 fully encapsulated chemical hazmat suits are designed for use in combination with the MICROCHEM® AVANT STS V.1 airline regulator. Suit-Belt mounted regulator complete with a low flow warning whistle the AVANT STS regulator can be mounted on the suit and removed for reuse providing cleaning and decontamination is permissible. HEPA filter provides secondary protection from airline contamination and a SMC silencer ensures the noise inside the suit is always below 70 dB (even at maximum airflow). Suit features include internal air-channel ventilation system double cuffs, finger & thumb loop, G01 Ansell Solvex (Nitrile) gloves, G02 Ansell Barrier gloves or G03 KCL Camapren (Neoprene) gloves. Attached socks with elasticated boot over-flap and emergency rip cord. Attached socks with elasticated boot overflap - Socks are designed to be worn inside chemical protective boots with the leg overflap worn outside to reduce the potential for chemical ingress.