Axygen® AxyPrep™-96 PCR Cleanup Kits, Corning®

This AxyPrep™ 96 PCR cleanup kit employs a special Binding Solution in combination with an optimized 96-well plate to purify linear DNA fragments in a high-throughput format. This product is designed to purify DNA fragments longer than 75bp from PCRs and other enzymatic reactions, with an expected recovery of 70-90%. Each well has a binding capacity of up to 8µg and the plate can be used with either a vacuum manifold or centrifuge. It is not necessary to remove mineral oil overlays from the PCRs before purification. This protocol will remove unincorporated primers (<50nt), enzymes and unlabeled and fluorescent dye-labeled mononucleotides. The purified DNA fragments are suitable for a variety of applications, such as sequencing, ligation, restriction analysis, in vitro transcription, microinjection and microarrays.