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Corning Axygen®'s AxyPrep™ 96 Plasmid Purification kit represents a true high-throughput system for the purification of plasmid or cosmid DNA in a 96-well format. This product is designed to produce up to 20µg of highly purified plasmid or cosmid DNA (per well) from up to 1.3mL of bacterial culture in 96-well format. Two plates rapidly and efficiently process the bacterial lysate, using either vacuum or centrifugation. The Lysate Filtration Plate efficiently removes bacterial cellular debris and transfers the clarified lysate directly into the Plasmid Plate for desalting. The plasmid is then eluted into a small volume of buffer or deionized water. The highly-purified plasmid or cosmid DNA is free from protein, genomic DNA and RNA and is suitable for any application, including: automated fluorescent sequencing on the ABI PRISM 3700 and 3730 DNA Analyzers, in vitro transcription, restriction analysis and PCR.