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Extra advantages only from Dynalon...The extra advantage from Dynalon cuvettes is superior optical and surface qualities at economical prices. Affording your laboratory the convenience of disposable cuvettes, without sacrificing accuracy or precision of standard cuvettes. Disposable means you save time with no cleaning required, plus the extra safety advantage of preventing cross contamination. Dynalon uses the most technologically advanced toolmaking process. This means reduced dimensional tolerances to ensure the lowest variation of extinction coefficient within the package.
Each cuvette features an impression number, use cuvettes with the same impression number for optimal precision between samples. Each case consists of cuvettes with the same impression number. Dust-Proof Scratch Resistant Packaging...All cuvettes feature stackable trays with covers of expanded polystyrene (CFC-free) to meet today's manufacturing pollution standards. Unique tray packaging is easy to store and protects optical surfaces from scratches.