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KemLab™ 500 HARP™ PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) e-Beam photoresist is designed for high resolution direct write e-Beam lithography. When combined with HARP™-C copolymer, the HARP™ multi-layer system is ideal for T-gate manufacture. KemLab™ 500 HARP™ PMMA e-Beam photoresist has excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates, and is used as a protective coating layer for wafer thinning and sacrificial layers. --------- Applications Include: • e-Beam direct-write lithography • Multi-layer T-gate manufacturing • X-Ray LIGA • Protective Coating for Wafer Thinning. KemLab™ HARP™ PMMA photoresists are manufactured in Anisol which is a safe solvent.